Sunday, June 8, 2008

My Reading Journal 7

Anton Chekhov,the author of this story,was born in Russia.He received a medical degree in his life.Instead of practiced medicine,he devoted his life to writing.
This story named The Confession,it talks about a thief who made his confession in jail.Gregory was rehoicing over being a cashier,in that time,people seemed to be changed,everyone show their respect to him.His brother made up with him and the girl who he admired marry him.For the temporary respect,he keep showering them with more and more money.Of course,he didn't have so much money,so he committed crimes,he stole it!One day he hold a party and all his so-called friends applauding him were whispered behind his back.But this didn't prevent them from enjoy themselves.The next day he got caught,everyone that took advantage of him all left away.From honor to scoundrel,it spent just one day.
People always want to fit in other's expection,even do something that was against our own judgment.Though it's a common human weakness,Gregory choose to commit crimes,that's a irresponsible action.Try harder,learn more and be professional in his own field so that he can earn more money and receive real respection,that's the real way he should have done.

My Reading Journal 6

Charles,written by Shirley Jackson,this story talks about a naughty child.Laurie always says what happened in his school at lunch,and mentions his friend,Charles,all the time.Charles is a boy who likes to play pranks on others,that makes teachers and peers annoyed.One day,their school hold a P.T.A. meeting,Laurie's parents attended the meeting,and they wondered if Charles's mother will go.However,at the meeting no one mentioned Charles.After the meeting Laurie's mother sought out the teacher and talked about Charles.Finally,she knew that there was no Charles in this class,Charles is Laurie.

It's often difficult to take responsibility for our own actions.People tend to blame somebody else because we are afraid of being punished.I think learn to be responsible is a great lesson in our lives,and it's necessary.Only we dare to take our own responsibilities can we achieve our great goal in our lives.

Monday, May 5, 2008

My Reading Journal 5

The Little Match Girl,which many people have heard of in our childhood.The author named Hans Christian Andersen,a great author of fairy tales and stories,was the son of a poor shoemaker and grew up in a small town.In his stories,characters are mostly poor.His stories were widely spread and were read by almost everyone,even kings and queens.Other famous stories include "The Emperor's New Cloths","The Ugly Duckling".

This story start with a terrible cold night.A girl,barehead and barefoot,was walking through the street.She carried several packages of matches,holding a box of them in her hand.No one had bought any from her all day long,and no one had given her a cent.
In all windows lights were shining,and there was a wonderful smell of roast goose,for it was New Year's Eve.It was getting colder and colder,but she did not dare to go home.For she had sold no matches,her father would surely beat her.Shivering with cold,she struck the matches and saw many wonderful illusions.Then,she saw her grandma,the only person who had loved her.Did not want her grandma vanish,so she struck the whole bundle of matches,and then,she was taken to a place where was neither cold,nor hunger,nor fear.With her grandma,and God.
But in corner,leaning against the wall,sat a little girl frozen to death on the last evening of the old year,holding the burned matches."She wanted to warm herself."There is no one imagined what beautiful things she had seen,and how happily she had gone.

The setting of this story is in a warm,fantastic night.In New Year's Eve,families gather and celebrate the bright New Year.On the contrary,the girl was poor,hungery,and cold.She lighted matches to warm herself,contenting herself with many illusions what she longed for for so long.I think that because of the background of the author,he can reflect the social reality through a short story artlessly.In the end of the story,little girl was dead.People feel sympathetic to this girl,without knowing what beautiful scenes she had seen.We see what we want see and we think how it should be.The author is not sad for the girl,I think.For her,death is extrication.
So pathetic and ironic,but it's no doubt.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

My Reading Journal 4

This story was written by Hector Hugh Munro,a Scottish novelist,whose article aften satirize British society.

The story is talking about a prank.A fifteen-year-old girl,self-possessed young lady,who play a prank on Framton.She told him that there was a tragedy happened three years ago:out through the window,her aunt's husband and her two brothers went off for their day's shooting,they never come back.They were all three engulfed in a treacherous piece of bog,and their bodies were never recovered.That's why her aunt keep that window open,she believes they will come back someday.
In the deepening twilight,three figures were walking across the lawn towards the window;they all caarried guns under their arms.Framton lose his nerve,grabbing wildly at his stick and hat;the hall door,the gravel drive,and the front gate were dimly noted stages in his headlong retreat.
"Who was that who bolted out as we come up?" they asked.
"Framton,a extraordinary man,he dashed off without a word of good-by or apology.One would think he had seen a ghost."said Mrs. Sappleton,the girl's aunt.
"I expect it was th spaniel,"said the little girl calmly;"he told me he had a horror of dogs."
Romance at short notice was her speciality.

When is a prank no longer a prank?Once I played a prank on my freind.I told her that I incautiously spilt the beans what she told me.That makes her very nervous and frightened.Then I know that was no longer a prank so I apologize to her.Everyone has their endurance of the trick what we played on them,if we did exaggeratedly,they will be mad.Be aware of this,what we have done may offend others and make them feel uncomfortable,look before you leap.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

english presentation

this week we have an english presentation.
we have prepared for more than one week,and i hope it will go well in friday.
this is my first english presentation in college,i hope i can do well.
good luck!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My Reading Journal 3

This short story named "The Stolen Party",the author is Liliana Heker,she published her first volume of short stories in her teens.Later she became editor-in-chief of a literary magazine.

The girl,Rosaura,in this stroy is an innocence and claver child,her mother is a maid who is working for a rich family.One day she was invited by Luciana,the daughter of the rich family,to the birthday party.Rosaura was gald,but her mother did not want her to attend the party,saying that it was rich people's party;she and Luciana were not real friends.She didn't approve of her mother and was deeply offended,"I'll die if I don't go"she whispered.
The party went well that night,she thought she was the same as other rich children and she help serve orange juice,hotdogs,and cake,she really acted well.She was so pleased with the compliment.Rosaura knew that there is a present to every child who attend this party,a while later,her nother came to fetch her,Luciana' mother came up to Rosaura and her mother,instead of giving her a presnent,she rummaged in her purse,in her hand appeared two bills,for thanking her help.Rosaura felt her arms stiffen,her eyes had a cold,clear look that fixed itself on Luciana's mother.Luciana's mother only motionless,as if the slightest change might shatter an infinitely delicate balance.

Children and adults are differ in their views of others,Rosaura think she and Luciana are friends,they know each other's secrets;do homework together,but in her mother's eyes,they are from different world.They conflicted.
At the end of the story.Rosaura has lost some of her innocence or naive.She finally realize why her mother said they are not friends because of the differ of their social classes.Like her mother,probably she will become more skeptical,amd less likely to believe people.
Experiences always change our attitude toward others.Sometimes they cause people to be more cynical and question the sincerity of those around us.We were thaught to bass our views on money and social classes,and learn that's how this world works,and then,we grow up.

Friday, April 4, 2008

long for love

sometimes we hide;we lie,
we enjoy the game and prove our existance.
come to an end,there's nothing but loneliness.
that's why the next game starts.

all we need is love,
we long for it but sometimes it seems not to be available,
so we miss and do the wrong way to get it,
then we'll find ourself in a world which is full of emptiness,
so,do not lie to anyone else,you are lying to yourself,too.
you will always remind yourself that that's not real trust;real love,
and lied yourself into troubles.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Reading Journal 2

The second story called "Thank you M'am",it was written by Langston Hughes,an African-American writer,who wrote books,poems,and short stories.
The story began in a dark night,about eleven o'clock,Mrs. Luella was walking alone,when a boy,Roger,ran up and tried to snatch her purse.But the woman gripped him and he lose his balance,felling on his back.Rather than calling the police,Mrs. Luella dragged him home.She talked to him,telling him that she was young once and she wanted things she could not get,and she have done things,too.After a silence,she went to fix something to eat.There are times that Roger can escape,but he didn't,he chooce sit on daybed where Mrs. Luella can easily see him out of the corner of her eye.He did not want to be mistrusted now.When they finished their eating,Mrs. Luella got up and gave him 10 dollars to buy himself some blue suede,she said,"Good night!Behave yourself,boy!"Roger wanted to say thank you.His lips moved,but he couldn't even say that till she shut the door.

How can kindness change a person's behavior? Mrs. Luella said she was young once and done things,too.That means her childhood have been similar to Roger's,and maybe she have experienced the same thing that happened to Roger,so she told Roger that he is "going to remember her",she knew how to affect his criminal activities,how to change him to a right direction toward life.By rewarding him but punishing.
And the little boy have trouble saying "thank you" at the end of the story,I think he has few occasion to use this phrase,he might always be alone,no one to talk to,no one to love.But this time,I think,he will realize that there is beautiful love in this world,it exists.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

these days

resently i've become busier than before,i am busy preparing my presentation and tests,as well as designing posters,singing practice blah blah blah.
i think i should be more concentrate on my studies,because i always waste my time doing something not that imperative,or distracting from other things,or my mind just blank out when i'm studying.
this semester our english class give us some tasks,i think its really tough to do all things well,i always delay my readings,and forget to prepare questions for the next class...i should examine myself this time...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Reading Journal 1

I selected the book "Views and Values",which includes many short storys and diverse articles on universal themes.At the begining I was little bit frustrated because there were lots of vocabularies I've never seen,that makes me read slowly and not knowing what was the author trying to tell readers.Then I told myself to be patient,finally,I finished that,I still did it!!

The first story is named "A Mother in Manneille",written by Marjorie Rawlings.It's describing a relationship between an orphan and an adult,the orphan worked for her,and he told her that he has a mother just like her,she always sends him presents in special days.The adult also likes him,and she couldn't understand why his mother left such a clever child here,where is near from her working place.
After a few days the adult was going to move to another place,she went to the orphanage,visiting the little boy,then she realized that he has no mother and no presents !

Sometimes we may use our imagination to help us cope with reality,like the little boy.Perhaps an orphan's greatest wish is having a mother that can send him warm and love.He's a clever boy,but he lie to the adult,also to himself.
Although it's fine to evade the reality sometimes,we can't evade them forever.Try to accept them and to conquer the sadness then you can set yourself free.
After all,we have to face the music some day.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

my reading log

recenty i've started my reading,and i was a little bit frustrated.
maybe thats beacause i didnt read during this winter vacation and i got strange to english...
i think i have to read frequently so that i can do this faster.
well i always think i'm not an active learner,thats really really bad :-(
hope that this semester i can do my reading log well.

its really hard to conquer laziness...
ooh i'll try my best.

go go sister !!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

a new semester

this new semester we have to chose a book which we are into it,
and we have to write down our feeling in blog.
i think it's a big task because i haven't done this before !
i dont know if i can do this well,but i'll take this task !!

i read a poem :

To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour

                 ---William Blake

i think that if we be aware to things suround us,we'll learn something gorgeous.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Whitney Houston I Will Always Love You

If I should stay
I would only be in your way,
So I'll go, but I know
I will think of you every step of the way.

And I... will always love you, will always love you...
you, my darling you, you

Bittersweet memories,
That is all I'm taking with me.
So good bye, please don't cry.
We both know I'm not what you, you need.

And I-ee-I... will always love you-oo, I will always love you-oo

(Saxaphone solo)

I hope life treats you kind,
And I hope you have all you dreamed of.
And I wish you joy and happiness,
but above all this i wish you, love.

And I-ee-I will always love you-oo, I will always love you, I will always love
you-oo, I will always love you-oooo, I will always love you-oooo, I , I will
always, you, darling I love you, oh I will always, I will always
love, you-oooo.

this is an old song,which recently i have heard it again and again.
Whitney Houston's amazing,i love her voice,and this lyric is beautiful !
oldies always have their aura,that's really charming !
i think it's worth listening again and again.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

hey it's 2008

time flies,and now it's 2008.
in 2007,i have experienced lots of things,through the entrance exam,i entered NTPU,and realize what's college life.
although there were many frustrations in 2007,i think i have tried my best,so there are nothing to blame.
in this brand new year,i hope i can take some new tasks that i have never done before,learning more from acting and be more active in what i'd like to learn or i'd like to know.
good luck :-D